100 Things Every Homeowner Must Know: How to Save Money, Solve Problems and Improve Your Home

100 Things Every Homeowner Must Know: How to Save Money, Solve Problems and Improve Your Home

Sejarah selidiki manakah diantara kelompok 3 bilangan berikut yg Merupakan tripel Pythagoras. 1. 12,16,20. 2.16,30,24. 3.12,18,24​

selidiki manakah diantara kelompok 3 bilangan berikut yg Merupakan tripel Pythagoras. 1. 12,16,20. 2.16,30,24. 3.12,18,24​

1. 12, 16, 20

20² = 16² + 12²

400 = 256 + 144

400 = 400 ➜ Tripel Pythagoras

2. 16, 30, 24

30² = 24² + 16²

900 = 576 + 256

900 = 832 ➜ Bukan Tripel Pythagoras

3. 12, 18, 24

24² = 18² + 12²

576 = 324 + 144

576 = 468 ➜ Bukan Tripel Pythagoras
